The Collaborative Specialization in Toxicology (CST) provides graduate students with a unique opportunity to gain breadth and depth of knowledge in toxicology beyond their thesis research. This program aims to prepare participants for careers related to toxicology and emphasizes the development of critical thinking and communication skills in addition to acquiring greater knowledge of basic principles and specific aspects of toxicology. The CST is administered by the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology.
Additional benefits of the Toxicology Specialization include opportunities for:
interactions and social gatherings with peers, faculty members, and members of the professional toxicology community that facilitate the sharing of scientific, methodologic, and career information
development of scientific critiquing skills
enhanced written and oral communication
exposure to useful resources and databases
a notation on the academic transcript indicating that the student has Completed the MSc or PhD Collaborative Specialization in Toxicology following successful completion of the program requirements (this is in addition to the MSc or PhD degree in the chosen departmental area.)