Dr. Gary E. Raskob Graduate Award

To be awarded based on merit to Masters or PhD students enrolled in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology with preference given to students working in one of the following areas:

  1. Basic or clinical pharmacology of anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs, emerging new antithrombotic drugs, or their reversal agents
  2. Pharmacology of the cardiovascular effects of drugs used to treat cancer or autoimmune disease,
  3. Pharmacology of the relationships between infection, inflammation and thrombosis
  4. In the absence of a, b or c, any area of cardiovascular pharmacology

Application Process:

The application will consist of the following:

  1. Student research CV
  2. Published manuscripts or meeting abstracts authored by the student relevant to the award application
  3. One page statement on the student’s research and its relevance to and impact in areas of research interest described in the Award
  4. One letter of reference from the student’s supervisor

All application materials should be submitted to Peter McPherson by 5pm on Friday, April 26, 2024.

Past Recipients:

2022-2023: Ehab Bakbak

Ehab is a fourth year PhD student working in Verma Lab at St. Michael's Hospital on a variety of translational research projects attempting to identify novel strategies for cardiovascular risk reduction. He has a keen interest in knowledge translation and clinical trial design. Outside of research, he is a big-time Toronto Raptors fan, petrol head,  and fitness enthusiast.

Photo of Ehab Bakbak