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Benjamin Dunkley
BSc, MRes, PhD

Dr. Benjamin Dunkley completed his training in psychology, with a BSc from Sussex University, an MRes from Aston University, and a PhD from Cardiff University, with his thesis on the role of neural oscillations in visuo-oculomotor processes. He then completed a post-doctorate at York University, Toronto, where he studied the integration of extraretinal signals in the dorsal visual stream. His subsequent postdoc at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) involved functional brain imaging in cognition and behaviour in traumatic brain and psychological stress injuries, including concussion and PTSD, particularly in the context of military medicine. His research program uses neurophysiological techniques such as EEG, SQUID-MEG and OPM-MEG to understand brain disorders, with an emerging research focus on the development of machine learning approaches, neuromodulation, like rTMS and TES, and novel pharmacotherapies, including psychedelics (‘psychoplastogens’), for use in precision medicine.