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Assistant Professor
Meghan Chenoweth
Pharmacology and Toxicology

Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
777 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 2C8
Research Interests
pharmacogenomics, sex and gender differences, substance use, biomarkers, Psychiatric Disorders
Appointment Status
TBC - Contact faculty member for details
Dr. Meghan Chenoweth is studying intersections between genetics, sex and gender, substance use, and concurrent psychiatric disorders. Dr. Chenoweth leverages genome-wide approaches, sex-based analysis, and biomarkers to answer her research questions. Examples of current projects include:
- Identifying pharmacogenomic predictors of smoking cessation medication efficacy and side effects
- Investigating the shared genetic liability for substance use and concurrent psychiatric disorders, and identifying new biological targets for drug discovery
- Discovering and functionally characterizing novel variants in genes involved in nicotine metabolism
- Examining genetic risk factors for substance use, including cigarettes and electronic cigarettes (i.e. vapes), in youth
Dr. Chenoweth’s work is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the National Institutes of Health.