Frist Awards


This prize is awarded annually to a young scientist under the age of 35 years who is an author or major co-author of an outstanding published paper in neuropsychopharmacology (including neurotransmitter or receptor research) while a student or Postdoctoral Fellow at the U of T. The annual prize of $1500 was endowed by Dr. Karolina Jus in memory of her parents, Dr. Juliusz and Dorota Frist, and her only sister, Zosia Frist, victims of the Holocaust. This family history is described in the book “Our Journey in The Valley of Tears” by Andrzej & Karolina Jus (U of T Press, 1991).

The prize is awarded annually (additional funds for travel are not provided). The selection of the awardee is made by a three-person committee chaired by a Professor specializing in neurotransmitter and neuro-receptor research who has an appointment in the University Department of Psychiatry.

Please send nomination before 5 PM, April 15, 2025, by e-mail, attaching curriculum vitae (as a pdf) and a pdf of the published paper to: Dr. Fang Liu, Frist Memorial Prize Committee Chair, University of Toronto.

THE 2025 FRIST-JUS ANNUAL MEMORIAL AWARD IN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (including neurotransmitter and neuroreceptor research)

Applications are invited from U of T graduate students doing research in neuropsychopharmacology (including neurotransmitter and neuroreceptor research) for the 2025 Frist-Jus Annual Memorial Award of approximately $3000. The annual Award was established by Dr. Karolina Jus in memory of her parents, Dr. Juliusz and Dorota Frist, and her only sister, Zofia (Zosia) Frist, victims of the Holocaust in World War II, and in memory of her husband, Dr. Andrzej Jus, and his parents, Professor Ludwik and Professor Estelle Jus, heroes of resistance in the time of the Holocaust.

The Award is made annually. The gift for the annual Frist-Jus Memorial Award Endowment was matched by similar contributions from the University of Toronto and the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund.

The deadline for receipt of documents by e-mail is 5 PM, April 15, 2025. Send cover letter, résumé, the completed financial needs assessment form (the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds [OSOTF] Financial Needs Assessment Form can be obtained online through the University of Toronto website, or using Google), a one-page pdf summary of the research project (or a reprint, as a pdf) to Dr. Fang Liu, Frist-Jus Award Committee Chair.