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Allan B. Okey

Selected Publications
Pohjanvirta R, Boutros PC, Moffat ID, Lindén J, Wendelin D & Okey AB. Genome-wide effects of acute progressive feed restriction in liver and white adipose tissue. Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology. 2008 (in press).
Moffat ID, Roblin S, Harper PA, Okey AB & Pohjanvirta R. AH receptor (AHR) splice variants in the dioxin-resistant rat: tissue expression and transactivational activity. Mol. Pharmacology. 2007; 72:956-966.
Moffat ID, Boutros PC, Celius T, Lindén J, Pohjanvirta R & Okey AB. MicroRNAs in adult rodent liver are refractory to dioxin treatment. Toxicological Sciences. 2007; 99:470-487.
Okey AB. An AH receptor odyssey to the shores of toxicology. The Deichmann Lecture –International Congress of Toxicology-XI. Toxicological Sciences. 2007; 98:5-38.
Tijet N, Boutros PC, Moffat ID, Okey AB, Tuomisto J & Pohjanvirta R. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor regulates distinct dioxin-dependent and dioxin-independent gene batteries. Mol Pharmacol. 2006; 69:140-153.
Pastorelli R, Carpi D, Campagna R, Airoldi L, Pohjanvirta R, Viluksela M, Hakansson H, Boutros PC, Moffat ID, Okey AB & Fanelli R. Differential expression profiling of the hepatic proteome in a rat model of dioxin resistance: correlation with genomic and transcriptomic analyses. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 2006; 5:882-894.
Harper PA, Riddick DS & Okey AB.Regulating the regulator: factors that control levels and activity of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor. Biochem. Pharmacol. 2006; 72:267-279.