Professor  |  Scientist Emeritus

Jose N. Nobrega



Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
250 College Street , Toronto, Ontario Canada M5T 1R8
Research Interests
behavioural pharmacology, neuropharmacology
Appointment Status
Not accepting graduate students

Research is focused on regional brain differences in neuroreceptor regulatory mechanisms both in normal and pathological conditions. To this end, receptor autoradiographic techniques, in situ hybridization and quantitative immunohistochemistry are used in preclinical models. Current projects include regional brain changes induced by: (a) drugs of abuse; (b) treatments used in neuropsychiatric conditions including pharmacological agents and deep brain stimulation; and (c) specific behavioural states, including stress-induced behaviours, impulse control and movement disorders.  Neurochemical systems currently studied in these preparations include dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, GABA and glutamate.