Many scholarships and internal awards of the University of Toronto involve eligibility. Also, many awards are restricted to permanent Canadian residents. Deadlines are as early as October of the year preceding the start of the program. Most awards are restricted to full-time students. Application would normally be made through the University at which the applicant is currently studying or from which they are graduating. Applicants should consult the specific award guidelines and deadlines before applying.
Studentships suitable to support international students (i.e., individuals who are neither Canadian citizens nor landed immigrants in Canada), are very few in number and are available only to highly qualified candidates. For more information on any of these awards, see International Student Awards on the SGS website.
All eligible applicants and current graduate students in the funded cohort are considered for University of Toronto Fellowships. Students are not required to apply for these Fellowships; students are nominated by the Department for these awards throughout the year. In Pharmacology, continuing students who wish to be considered for a U of T Fellowship must have applied for any and all awards for which they may be eligible (e.g., OGS, NSERC, OSOTF, OGSST, etc.).
Pharmacology graduate students are eligible for travel awards from the Pharmacology Book Fund. The awards are for the purpose of permitting graduate students in this department to attend scientific meetings at which they will be presenting their work either as an oral presentation or as a poster. Awards are limited in number and applications must be made at least a month in advance of the meeting.
Students should also consider applying for the School of Graduate Studies' Conference Grant .
You can also apply for other external awards on ULife.
Students may earn limited income from service as invigilators or markers of departmental undergraduate course examinations. There are a few teaching assistant positions in undergraduate pharmacology laboratories. Salary earned as a Teaching Assistant is not part of the Graduate Student stipend in the Faculty of Medicine. See the job postings on the HR & Equity website and benefits information on the CUPE 3902 website.