
Research Interests

clinical pharmacology, neuropharmacology, Pharmacoeconomics, psychopharmacology
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream

Rebecca Laposa PhD

Research Interests

DNA damage, molecular pharmacology, neuropharmacology, toxicology
Professor  |  Head, Neurobiology of Alcohol Section

Dzung Anh Le PhD

Research Interests

Professor  |  Chair, Addiction Psychiatry

Bernard Le Foll MD, PhD

Research Interests

addiction, behavioural pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, neuropharmacology, pharmacogenetics, psychopharmacology
Associate Professor  |  Sellers Chair in Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics

Tamorah Lewis MD, PhD

Adjunct Professor

Peter P. Li PhD

Research Interests

gene expression, neuropharmacology, signal transduction
Professor  |  Senior Scientist

Fang Liu Ph.D., M.D.

Research Interests

clinical translation, neuroscience, protein interactions

Research Interests

molecular pharmacology, toxicology
Adjunct Professor

Joel Mayer PhD

Research Interests
